Behaviour and Attitudes

As a community, we live out our school visions and values:

We also acknowledge that we will not get it right all the time and need each other’s help to be ‘the best version of ourselves’ day by day.  We therefore have a behaviour policy based on the school’s Team Tactics knowing these apply to every individual in school.  Our Team Tactics underpin our whole policy: praise, rewards, and sanctions to ensure children are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements.  A sense of team, positive relationships, unconditional positive regard, equity and self-efficacy are at the centre of our policy.  We believe that allowing children to value, and reflect on their own character, will build self-efficacy creating a constant positive cycle of behaviour.

Positive behaviour is everyone’s responsibility at North Mead.  Staff and pupils set high expectations for the behaviour and conduct of pupils.  Clear protocols are in place at all staffing levels to manage behaviour effectively, ensure all children are safe, and create an environment where bullying, abuse and discrimination are not tolerated, are dealt with effectively, and are not allowed to spread.

You can read more about our behaviour policy here.

You can read more about our Team Tactics here.

You can read more about CARE CARE here.