At North Mead Primary Academy, we are lucky enough to have our own school kitchens on site, where food is prepared and cooked fresh, daily on site.

The Infant hall is used for meals at lunchtimes. School dinners are cooked on the premises – a wide choice of healthy foods are provided. Please see our menus at the bottom of this page.

If you wish, your child may bring a packed lunch to school. The packed lunch should be in a lunch-box labelled with your child’s name. We ask that glass containers, fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not brought to school. We also have children at school with nut allergies, therefore we have a ‘nut-free’  policy. Please check foods carefully.

School dinners must be booked on the MCAS app.  To book a school meal for your child you will need select your child’s name, select dinner menu and select from the meals on offer each day.  You will need to ensure that you have money on your child’s dinner account before ordering, please speak to the school admin team if you have an issue.

If you do not book a meal you must provide a meal from home, if you wish to cancel a booking you need to inform the school by 10am on the day, otherwise it will still be chargeable.

We aim to provide as much choice as possible with our menus.

Our menu is a 3 week menu cycle so we can accommodate favourite dishes, but we are able to try some new exciting ones. This gives children plenty of choice throughout the terms.  All our dishes are tried and tested in schools as we value pupil feedback.

Our new menus are available from the link at the bottom of the page.

As part of the government’s plan, from the beginning of September 2014 every state maintained school in England will need to provide a free school meal for all pupils in reception, year 1 and 2.

This follows a recommendation in the school food plan, an independent review published in July 2013, which aims to bring about a significant increase in the number of children eating good food in schools. This initiative is a major reform, which will have a positive impact on children.

We have been serving every eligible pupil a hot meal from Thursday 28th August 2014.

A two course school meal costs just £2.00 for a paying primary pupil. Why not ensure your child has a healthy, nutritious two course school dinner. If you think your child might be entitled to free school meals contact the council on 0116 454 1009 for more information or visit free school meals.

At North Mead we offer Halal meal options.  Please see the menu below for more information.

Click on the link to view our Halal certificate.

Annual Certificate – IMS of Smithfield – 2024-25

Medical Diet Responsibility Promise v1

Please read the Medical Parents Guide here: Medical Diets Parents Guide v1

If you need to advise Chartwells of your child’s medical dietary needs please complete the following form: Medical Diet Request Form v1_01JUN20

You may also need to include evidence for the request: Medical Diet Evidence Support Form v1

Once a menu has been devised for you to agree, you will be asked to approve it using a form like this: Medical Diet Parent Menu Approval Form v1

You can read the Medical Diet Policy here: Medical Diet Policy v1