At North Mead Primary Academy, we provide a high quality history education, in order to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our novel based approach in teaching History inspires children’s curiosity to question and deepen their understanding of the past. Teaching and learning is planned as part of our creative curriculum to enhance children’s ability to question, think critically and develop perspective and judgements.
Some of the key historical elements taught across the school focus on children knowing and understanding significant aspects of history of the wider world such as ancient civilisations (Ancient Egyptians), the expansion and dissolution of empires (The Roman) and achievement and follies of mankind (World War 1). To support Historical enquiry skills in our children, teachers promote an emphasis on children to think as historians. In each key stage, children are given the opportunity to visit sites of historical significance as well as inviting historians to visit school to talk about their experiences, recreate historical experiences and examine artefacts.
Language and oracy is a key focus for children at North Mead Primary Academy, across the school teachers ensure they explicitly model and teach clear progression of vocabulary linked to history taught. Thus enabling children to broaden their linguistic ability in being able to demonstrate common words and phrases of history over time.
History is taught through our book based immersive curriculum with two topics each year having a History focus. These are shown in the History knowledge organisers.
Subject Leader – Amanpreet Kooner