At North Mead Primary Academy, we believe that Religious Education is an integral part of our curriculum as it provides our pupils with opportunities to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. To ensure all pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum for Religious Education, we follow the themes in the Agreed Syllabus designed by the Local Authority (Leicester City).
RE is taught through our book based immersive curriculum with two topics each year having a RE focus. These are shown in the RE knowledge organisers. The topics aim to support pupils to develop positive attitudes of respect towards people of all faiths and none. This allows pupils to share their experiences and learn from one another about the religions and beliefs in our community. To achieve the aforementioned, we aim to invite a variety of religious speakers, from our local community to share their beliefs and traditions with the pupils, and provide opportunities for pupils to ask questions to build on their understanding.
Throughout the key stages, pupils learn about many different faiths including Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduisms and Islam. As we are a school of diverse faiths, we also ensure that we celebrate some of the major festivals that take place throughout the academic year including Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Easter and Vaisakhi. Coinciding with this, every year group across the school visits a place of worship throughout the year to gain a first-hand experience and deepen their knowledge and understanding of each faith.
Our pupils highly benefit from such experiences by developing a sense of respect and understanding for our diverse community which we feel is an important part of our school ethos.
Schools have to teach RE but parents can withdraw their children for all or part of the lessons.
To do this parents can contact Mr Burpitt via email [email protected]
Subject Leader – Zoe Dawson